Floral Design Division
Rules & Guidelines
1. Design Classes are open to all on a first-come basis. Designs may be the collaboration of more than one exhibitor. An exhibitor/s may enter only one class in the Floral Design Division. Exhibitor may be placed on a waiting list for an additional class, if desired, and will be notified by May 15 if space is available.
2. Fresh plant material must predominate unless otherwise stated. No cut fresh vegetables/fruit or prepared food products will be permitted.
3. No artificial flowers, foliage or vegetables will be permitted.
4. Accessories are permitted but should be used with discretion.
5. All containers must be labeled with the exhibitor’s name and address. Staging may not be altered or moved unless stated in the schedule.
6. Mechanics should not be visible unless they are an integral part of the design.
7. Designs may be partially assembled prior to show with finishing touches done onsite.
8. Exhibitors are allowed on the floor per the schedule, Thursday, June 20, 2024. Your Class Consultant will pass each exhibit before Exhibitor leaves Flower Show area. Design may not be altered after passing. Only required personnel may remain in the exhibit area after 1 pm.
9. Judging will begin at 1 pm on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Show opens to the public at 8 am on Friday, June 21, 2024.
10. All plant material must be correctly identified with the botanical and common names, if possible. A complete list must be emailed to your Class Consultant by Wednesday, June 12, 2024. A copy of the list will be submitted to the Passing Committee.
Please note: Additions or deletions to the prepared list may be made once the design is installed at the Show to accurately reflect the materials used in the design. Horticulture reference materials will be available at the Passing Committee table to identify unknown plant material.
The Royal Horticultural Society Horticultural Database is available online at www.rhs.org.uk/rhsplantfinder/plantfinder.asp.
No plant defined as a Rhode Island Invasive Species may be used. Please visit https://dem.ri.gov/ri-stormwater-solutions/in-the-weeds/invasive-species.php for information.
11. Once an entry is accepted, if the exhibitor must cancel, he or she must find a substitute unless there is a waiting list for that class.
12. Fresh plant material must be in water or be conditioned in such a way as to remain in pristine form while on exhibition. An arrangement not maintained in show condition may have its award removed. Show management may, at any time, remove an exhibit if deemed necessary.
13. Exhibitors are responsible for maintaining their exhibit, but are cautioned not to over water, which may cause seepage and/or damage. Maintenance by the committee may be done if prior notification is made on the Refreshing Form previously shared with you. Extra forms available onsite or by email from your Class Consultant. You should bring sufficient flowers to refresh your design for all three mornings. We ask that you complete the Refreshing Form and leave it on your pedestal. Flowers will be stored downstairs, and your bucket should have your name on it.
14. All maintenance may begin at 7 am and must be completed by 8 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Parking restrictions will be in place after 8:30 am each day.
16. Exhibitors are responsible for the complete removal of their exhibits at the close of the Show on Sunday, June 23, 2024, between the hours of 5 pm and 6 pm. Contact your Class Consultant if you need assistance with entry removal. We are happy to accommodate.
17. While the Design Committee and The Preservation Society of Newport County will afford the best possible protection to all exhibits, they distinctly disclaim all liability for loss or damage to exhibits and personal property belonging to exhibitors.
18. Upon receipt of the entry form, designers will receive confirmation of receipt by email or postcard (indicate preference on the form). The Exhibitor Packet will be mailed. The packet will include your entry number, a plant list form, a copy of the floor plan at Rosecliff and, where applicable, a paint sample. If an exhibitor has requested a badge for a helper in advance, this will also be included. Badges must be worn at all times.
19. Entry numbers will be pre-assigned by the Entry Chair on a first-come basis. If you are unsure of your entry number, please contact your Class Consultant.
20. Novice and New Exhibitors will be eligible for specific awards. Please designate on the entry form if you belong to one of these categories. A Novice is an exhibitor/s who has never won a blue ribbon in a major show. A New Exhibitor is a person or group who is entering The Newport Flower Show for the first time.
21. If you are supplying a Statement of Intent, it should be emailed to your Class Consultant no later than Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
22. Designers are requested to enter through the front entrance of Rosecliff. Aides will be available to assist with unloading of plant materials and supplies and guide you to your exhibit location.
23. Those wishing to receive a letter about shopping for flowers at Carbone’s Wholesale Supply should request the letter through the Class Consultant.
24. You must request timed tickets through Beverly Ware at events@newportmansions.org. We anticipate the show will sell out. Please order as early as possible to ensure you can get your preferred timed tickets. Each Exhibitor may request two daytime tickets. Please note there are limited tickets per session and while we will try to accommodate preferred times, it may not be possible.
Botanical Arts & Floral Design Divisions Glossary
Arrangement or Floral Design
Plant material and other components organized according to the Principles and Elements of Design to create a unified whole.
Couture (BA)
A design emulating an item of clothing and/or other fashion accessory created entirely of died plant materials.
Exhibition Table
A display using the components of dining in an artistic presentation as a coordinated design. The practical service of food should not be implied.
Forms (BA)
A design of any natural form (e.g., animal, bird’s nest, flower) created from all dried plant materials. No mechanics may be visible.
Functional Table
A table planned and set for actual food service. Must include a floral design.
Horizontal Design
A composition in which the components are arranged on an axis parallel to the horizon.
Jewelry (BA)
A design created entirely of dried plant material and made to resemble wearable jewelry in both size and function. No mechanics or structural base may be visible.
Key Card (BA)
A numbered list of botanical and common names accompanying an exhibit. Corresponding numbers are placed with each individual sample of untreated plant material. Card to be supplied in Botanical Arts Exhibitor’s Package.
Mass Design (Modern)
Groupings of limited varieties of plant material with emphasis on bold design, blocks of color, contrasting forms and textures.
Mass Design (Traditional)
Profusion of various forms and sizes of flowers arranged in an oval, triangular or fan-shaped design, a closed silhouette with more solids than voids.
Miniature Design
A floral design that measures no more than 5 inches in any direction.
New Exhibitor
A person or group who is entering The Newport Flower Show for the first time in their respective division. Exhibitor(s) must self-identify for this award.
An exhibitor/s who has never won a blue ribbon in their respective division at The Newport Flower Show. Exhibitor(s) must self-identify for this award.
A design composed of a combination of growing plants (in or out of pots) and fresh cut flowers.
Statement of Intent
A brief written paragraph (no more than 25 words) offering an explanation of the exhibitor’s creation. Blank cards to be supplied in Exhibitor’s Package.