Creative Mixed Planters – Postcards from the Grand Tour
Creative Mixed Planters
Delivery & Passing: Wednesday, June 21, 1 pm-4 pm and Thursday, June 22, 8 am-10 am
The scale of Points for Division I: Creative Mixed Planters unless otherwise specified:
Judging Criteria | Points |
Cultural Perfection | 40 |
Scale, Balance and Design | 35 |
Suitability/Compatibility Of Plant Material | 20 |
Key Card | 5 |
Total | 100 |
Class 1: Chinese Tea HouseThe 2023 Garden Club Challenge
Up to 12 entries, pre-registration required, photo key card required. A container will be provided to entrants upon registration. Plant a blue-and-white Chinese porcelain fishbowl, to be displayed on the steps of the Chinese Tea House (full sun exposure). A liner will be supplied to exhibitors for plantings. No accessories.
This Class will be divided into two sections: One with Blue Flowers, and one with White Flowers.
This class is closed.

8 July, 1913
Bessie my dear gardening friend,
Just arrived in London by liner last night. Exhausted but well! We spent this
afternoon at Kew, getting a tour from our old friend Mr. Wilson. The views
of London from the top of the Pagoda are beyond compare. I hear Mrs.
Belmont is building a Chinese Tea House on Bellevue Ave? Goodness.
Heading to Munstead Wood tomorrow…
Best, Rose
Class 2: Munstead WoodMixed Perennials in the cottage style
The container is exhibitor’s choice. Must contain a minimum of 5 different plant varieties. Plants must be compatible and identified as Sun or Shade Containers. The container may be any shape but should not exceed 12” wide x 24” long. No height restrictions on the completed planter.
Limited to 4 Entries. Pre-Registration Required.
This class is closed.

24 July, 1913
Dear Bessie,
Our tour of Miss Jeckyll’s garden at Munstead Wood was heavenly. She is
a painter of pictures in plants. I’ve a thousand new ideas for my perennial
border back on Portsmouth farm! Love to my Corgis!!!
Yours, Rose
Class 3: VersaillesFormal planter (FOLIAGE ONLY)
Accessory permitted. No restrictions on plant type. Liner (approximately 15”) provided to exhibitor which will be dropped into the urn. Plants must be compatible. No height restrictions on the completed planter. Accessories are allowed with discretion. Details on urn supplied with registration.
Limited to 4 Entries. Pre-Registration Required.
This class is closed.

30 July, 1913
Bessie –
The Channel crossing was very choppy! Straight to Paris for gown fittings
with Mr. Worth. I had forgotten the vastness of Versailles – makes Newport
gardens look like postage stamps. Oceans of trimmed greenery and
ornaments everywhere. Bunions back … The Alps next!
– Rose
Class 4: The AlpsAlpine Trough
The container is exhibitor’s choice. The container may be any shape but should comply with the weight limit outlined within Rules & Guidelines. No height restrictions. Plant material must be “Alpine.”
Limited to 4 Entries. Pre-Registration Required.
Sources for Alpine plant suggestions: Horticulture Magazine (UK), Fine Gardening – Alpine Troughs, and Alpine Garden Society
The scale of Points for Class 4 | |
Quality/Condition | 30 |
Suitability of Material | 30 |
Design/Arrangement of Plants | 20 |
Grooming | 15 |
Key Card | 5 |
Total | 100 |

1 Aug, 1913
It’s been lovely to sit in the rail car and watch the scenery go by. The light
in the Alps is so clear – the window boxes on every chalet sparkle with
color. Our hotel is dripping in geraniums! I’ve arranged for a shipment of
cheeses – so keep an eye out …
Class 5: VeniceProductive Planter
Veggies/ Fruits/Herbs. Accessories permitted. Minimum of 3 compatible plant varieties. No size restrictions. Must comply with weight limit outlined within Rules & Guidelines.
Limited to 4 Entries. Pre-Registration Required.

6 Aug, 1913
From the vastness of the Alps to the winding canals and alleys of Venice!
Every sunny balcony is jammed with citrus and vegetables – many I’ve
never seen. Perfume is one’s best friend! Heading south tomorrow before
the rains arrive.
Missing home – Rose
Class 6: SicilyMixed Succulents
Minimum of 3 plant varieties. Accessories not permitted. The container is exhibitor’s choice.
Limited to 4 Entries. Pre-Registration Required.
This class is closed.

11 Aug, 1913
Sorry not to have written – Rome & Naples too full of visits! Vatican breath-
taking. We sailed from the toe of the boot to Palermo. I’ve never felt such heat! It’s a wonder anything grows here – just fleshy cactusy things strangely beautiful. Straight back to London & then home for the Newport
Photo Key Cards
Photo Key Cards are required for all entries in this division.
A Photo Key Card is a photo of your exhibit attached (or printed) on white card stock no larger than 5″x8″. A numbered list of botanical and common names refers to the corresponding numbered plant in the photo. Please complete your Photo Key Card prior to arriving at the show. The Photo Key Cards are laminated to cardstock at the show to weather-proof them. Please do not use photo paper which blurs in the laminating process.
Division I Class Consultant
Jim Donahue
(401) 847-1000, ext. 154