Potted Plants
Delivery & Passing: Wednesday, June 18, 1 pm-4 pm & Thursday, June 19, 8 am-10 am
Back lawn at Rosecliff.
One plant per pot unless otherwise stated. See size and weight restrictions under the rules.
Cultural Perfection | 40 |
Scale, Balance and Design | 35 |
Suitability/Compatibility of Plant Material | 20 |
Key Card | 5 |
Total | 100 |
The Classes
Entries must have been trained by the exhibitor.
Class 7: Trained on a frame
Class 8: Standard pruned to tree form
Annual, Perennial or Biennial
Class 9: Grown for flower
Class 10: Grown for foliage
Class 11: Any species or cultivar grown primarily for flower
Class 12: Any species or cultivar grown primarily for foliage
Class 13: Container not to exceed 12” in diameter
Miniature or Dwarf Plant
Class 14: A mature example of a species or cultivar that is one of the naturally diminutive members of the genus.
Must be in bloom. No hanging containers.
Class 15: Novice Orchid Class (open to exhibitors who have not won a blue ribbon in the orchid class at The Newport Flower Show)
Class 16: Cattleya
Class 17: Paphiopedilum
Class 18: Phalaenopsis
Class 19: Other species or cultivars
Class 20: Agave, container 6” and under
Class 21: Agave, container over 6”
Class 22: Aloe, container 6″ and under
Class 23: Aloe, container over 6”
Class 24: Crassula, container 6” and under
Class 25: Crassula, container over 6”
Class 26: Echeveria, container 6” and under
Class 27: Echeveria, container over 6”
Class 28: Euphorbia, container 6″ and under
Class 29: Euphorbia, container over 6”
Class 30: Haworthia, container 6″ and under
Class 31: Haworthia, container over 6”
Class 32: Other succulent
Class 33: Three or more different species from one plant family (e.g., Apiaceae, Petroselinum (parsley), Illicium (anise), Anthenum (dill)). In separate containers 6” or under, staged on a base or tray provided by the exhibitor.
Photo Key Card is required (5” x 7”).
Species and/or Cultivars
Class 34: Three or more distinct species and/or cultivars from one plant genus (e.g., Agave: A. ‘Blue Glow’, A. isthmensis, A. victoria-reginae). Separate containers 6” or under, staged on a base or tray provided by the exhibitor.
Photo Key Card required (5” x 7”)
Parent and Child
Class 35: A single plant exhibited along with the parent plant from which it was propagated, each in a separate container. The date and method of propagation must be specified on a (5” x 7”) white index card (starting date, light source, medium used, repotting date, etc.) Both plants will be judged.
Class 36: A single plant propagated by the exhibitor from seed, stem, leaf-cutting or other method. The date and method of propagation must be specified on a (5” x 7”) white index card (starting date, light source, medium used, repotting date, etc.)
Grand Dame
A plant noted for its age, owned by the exhibitor for at least 5 years.
Class 37-A: Grown for Flower
Class 37-B: Grown for Foliage
Class 38: A Terrarium is defined as at least three species grown in a capped container, creating a landscape under glass.
Photo Key Card required.
Class 39: Two matching plants, judged as a pair.
Appropriate top dressing with NO under plantings.
Class 40: Standard Rose Tree
Class 41: Rose Bush
Par Class
Class 42: An exhibit of exceptional horticultural merit, which does not qualify for entry elsewhere in the Horticulture Division.
Entries in the Par Class must have been owned and grown by the exhibitor for a minimum of 6 months.
Cut specimens, orchids and hanging baskets are not permitted. Containers may not exceed 18” in diameter.
Photo Key Cards
Photo Key Cards are required in this division only where indicated.
A Photo Key Card is a photo of your exhibit attached (or printed) on white card stock no larger than 5″ x 8″. A numbered list of botanical and common names refers to the corresponding numbered plant in the photo. Please complete your Photo Key Card prior to arriving at the show. The Photo Key Cards are laminated to cardstock at the show to weather-proof them. Please do not use photo paper which blurs in the laminating process.