Welcome to the Newport Mansions Media Resources.
Here you’ll find information on the properties owned by The Preservation Society of Newport County, downloadable high-resolution photos, news releases and examples of recent coverage.
Our experienced public relations staff is available to answer your questions, arrange interviews and photo shoots, and give you any other assistance. Onsite editorial photography and videography for publication may be permitted with advance written agreement.
To see our commercial (non-editorial) photography policies, click here.
Bill TavaresCommunications Manager
Telephone: (401) 847-1000, ext. 131
E-mail: btavares@newportmansions.org
Gary Ruff
Associate Communications Manager
Telephone: (401) 847-1000 ext. 128
E-mail: gruff@newportmansions.org
Editorial Requests
All media requests from television, print, radio and online outlets must be directed to Communications Manager Bill Tavares at btavares@newportmansions.org or by phone at (401) 847-1000 ext. 131. Associate Communications Manager Gary Ruff should also be included on all email communications at gruff@newportmansions.org. His direct phone number is (401) 847-1000 ext. 128.