Vendor Marketplace
A shopping area featuring a variety of unique vendors will be included on the back lawn at Rosecliff during the 2025 Show.
All applications from prospective vendors will be subject to the approval of our Flower Show Committee as we have a limited number of vendor booths available. Applications will be reviewed on a biweekly basis and the committee will notify applicants via email when a decision has been made regarding acceptance.
Applications for the 2025 Show are now closed. Deadline was February 28, 2025.

— Show Hours —
Friday, June 20, 2025 – Sunday, June 22, 2025 – 9 am to 4 pm
Opening Night Cocktail Party: Friday, June 20, 2025, 6 pm to 8 pm
Private Sponsor Reception: (TBD) Saturday, June 21, 2025, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Rules & Guidelines for Vendors
Marketplace Booth Space – Back Lawn: $1,500 for one 10′ x 10′ covered area.
Final booth placement on the back lawn is at the discretion of The Newport Flower Show Committee.
BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS: The Newport Flower Show Committee will evaluate and select all Marketplace Vendors and determine all booth locations and assignments. Vendors may not sublet or apportion the entire or any part of their space. All display materials, items, and equipment must fit within the designated display space. Booth assignment locations cannot change once the committee has assigned them.
CONTRACT: This application, upon written acceptance by The Newport Flower Show (NFS), constitutes a valid and binding contract. The Newport Flower Show reserves the right to render all interpretations and to establish further regulations as deemed necessary for the general success of the Show. It is further agreed that the conditions, rules, and regulations as herein stated and as outlined in this document, are made a part hereof as though fully incorporated herein and that the said Vendor agrees to be bound by everyone thereof.
FEES: If accepted as a Vendor at The Newport Flower Show, full payment of the booth fee is required within ten (10) business days of being notified by email. The booth payment will act as confirmation of your participation at the Show. If your payment is not received, we will consider the application canceled and continue to accept additional applications to fill the booth space.
SET-UP: Vendors may set up ONLY on Thursday, June 19, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. All heavy unloading should be completed on Thursday, or you may want to bring a hand truck to transport items to your assigned area. Vehicles must be unloaded promptly and removed from the Showgrounds. Under certain conditions, the Show staff has the right to prohibit vehicles from driving on the grounds. Vendors are responsible for the installation and removal of all booth displays and products. Labor is not furnished by Show Management; Vendors are responsible for their own personnel to set up and break down space/booths assigned to them. Prefabricate as much as possible to expedite installation and removal. No vehicles will be permitted to drive onto the Showgrounds on or after Friday, June 20. All Booths must be ready to open for sales at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 20. Vendors may NOT erect elaborate structures of timber, metal, masonry, or concrete onto or into the ground. If such a structure is required, it must be constructed on a removable base or platform that does not damage the surface of the ground.
DATES AND TIMES OF SHOW: All booths MUST remain open during these posted Show times:
The 2025 Newport Flower Show will open to the public on Friday, June 20, 2025, through Sunday, June 22, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Opening Night Reception on Friday, June 20, at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm. Saturday, June 21, 2025. Private Sponsor Reception – 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (TBD).
BOOTH SPACE: Each Vendor will be supplied with one 10′ x 10′ frame tent, with removable sides. The tent height at each side is approximately 7′ and at the center peak 10′. One 6′ long x 30″ high undraped table (no tablecloth) and two folding chairs will also be provided. No personal tents/canopies/awnings, etc. are permitted on the Showgrounds. Vendors are permitted to only use the provided frame tent to keep a uniform look to the Show. Vendors are not permitted to extend their displays more than 18” beyond the footprint of their tented booth area. The walkway in front of the booths and the space surrounding them is strictly under the control of Show management; Vendors may not use such space for display, sales, or for any other purpose. Vendors should not stack or pile items behind their tent space as this will be viewable to the public in the 2025 show layout. The extra product should be stored within your tent, under the table(s), etc. The 2025 Committee will strongly enforce this guideline. To avoid re-arranging your booth after set-up is complete, please adhere to these details.
BADGES: As a Vendor, you will be issued badges for your staff to gain access to the Showgrounds. A Show badge is required for entry to the Showgrounds. Each Vendor will be issued a total of 2 badges with the business name indicated. At least one vendor representative must be present in the booth during all scheduled Show hours.
TRANSACTIONS: All Vendors will be responsible for their cash boxes. The Newport Flower Show is unable to provide change or act as a bank during the event. We suggest that you handle all transactions by cash, check, or a manual credit card machine. Unfortunately, due to the location of the property, there is no reliable wireless internet service available on the grounds of Rosecliff. Some Vendors have had success using Verizon service and their hot spot, but this cannot be guaranteed on the property.
PERMIT TO MAKE RETAIL SALES: ALL VENDORS MUST HAVE A STATE OF RHODE ISLAND PERMIT TO MAKE RETAIL SALES. If you do not have such a permit, a temporary one must be obtained from the Flower Show Office. The Newport Flower Show Office must have a copy of your temporary or permanent permit on file before the Show. Your Retail Sales Permit must also be displayed at your booth throughout the Show. Each vendor must track their sales over the course of the Show and fill out the tax form that will be provided to you. If your product is not taxable, you are still required to fill out your sales on the Retail Sales Permit and then indicate on this form that your product is exempt from sales tax to inform the State of Rhode Island that you do not owe taxes. If your product is taxable, you will be responsible for the payment of those taxes. Sales tax must be paid by a check made out to the Division of Taxation, State of Rhode Island. Further instructions will be provided as needed.
RI Sales Tax is 7%.
INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY DURING SHOW HOURS: When accepted as a Vendor at the Show, you are expected to have your booth open and ready for sale during the posted Show hours. Should rain or other inclement weather force the Show to close to the public, Vendors will be notified by Show Management while on-site. “Expected” inclement weather will not close the Show to the public. Determination of opening will be made day of on-site, and we require that Vendors open their booth if the Show is open to the public. If a Vendor feels that they must leave the Show due to a family emergency or another emergent matter, they must check out with the Show Management before closing their booth.
ELECTRICITY: Electricity will be available to all Vendors at the additional cost of $250 for the 3-day Show. The electrical service to booths will include 1 electrical outlet with 15-amp service. You may bring an extension cord or power strip. The vendor must furnish their own heavy-duty outdoor extension cord and power strip. Lighting is not provided. If your electrical needs are greater than noted, please contact the Flower Show Office no later than Friday, May 9, 2025, so that details can be discussed for additional service. An additional fee may be incurred.
FIRE, SAFETY, AND HEALTH REGULATIONS: If a fire extinguisher is placed in or near your booth by Show Management, it must always remain visible and unobstructed. No pets are allowed on the grounds of Rosecliff. Only certified service animals are permitted on any of the Preservation Society properties. No other pets are permitted in the houses or on the grounds. We also request that pets not be left in your vehicle while you take your tour, as temperatures inside a locked car will quickly become unsafe and even deadly.
SECURITY: The Newport Flower Show will hire a local security firm to patrol the Showgrounds on a round-the-clock basis from the commencement of set-up for the Show until the end of the breakdown period on Sunday, June 22, 2025 (6:00 p.m.). However, The Newport Flower Show will not be responsible for cash boxes or damaged and/or missing merchandise.
BREAKDOWN: The breakdown of your Booth must take place between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 22, 2025. Vendors must remove ALL materials brought to the site, leaving the site exactly as it was before their arrival. The tent company will arrive very early on Monday morning to begin removing all tents from the grounds of Rosecliff and the Show cannot be responsible for items left on the grounds.
CANCELLATION: The Vendor shall forfeit their right to the space, all prepaid costs, and upon demand, pay any balance owing to The Newport Flower Show if they fail to occupy or use their space or to have their exhibit completed by the last designated hour of the opening day of the Show. If the Vendor forfeits the space, The Newport Flower Show may re-let the space without liability to the Vendor. If this contract is canceled by the Vendor for any reason, or by The Newport Flower Show because of the Vendor’s default or violation of this agreement, monies paid to The Newport Flower Show by the Vendor shall be retained as follows: If cancellation occurs 45 days or more before the opening day of the Show, The Newport Flower Show shall refund the full deposit received by the Show. If cancellation occurs within 45 days before the opening day of the Show, The Newport Flower Show shall retain the entire amount paid to date. Cancellations must be in writing and may be emailed to
Because of very limited parking, NO oversized trucks, trailers, or campers are permitted to remain in the parking area at Rosecliff during the Flower Show. No Vehicles over 12’ in length will be permitted to park at Rosecliff. Alternative parking arrangements must be made with our office before you arrive at the Show.
Due to City Ordinance, NO overnight camping is permitted on the grounds at Rosecliff or in the surrounding Parking Areas. Please contact Tourist Information for local campsites, (800) 976-5122 or check their website at